Monday, October 18, 2021

HAProxy - Aggravating Problem I Have Not Solved

I have not ever really blogged on proxies. I don't have a lot of proxy experience and don't consider myself a guru with proxies, load balancers, etc.

But more and more often, solutions have come in that require load distribution to an N+1 (Active Active) cluster. And, HAProxy is supposed to be a rather lightweight and simple approach, especially in situations where the mission is not totally critical, or the load is not seriously high.

I originally set HAProxy up to distribute load to a Cloudify cluster. And Cloudify provided the configuration for HAProxy that they had tested in their lab, and that they knew worked well. Later, I set HAProxy up to load balance our Morpheus cluster. Initially it was working fine. 

Or, so it seemed. Later, I noticed errors. The first thing you generally do when you see errors, is to tell HAProxy to use one node (and not 2 or 3), so that you can reduce troubleshooting complexity and examine the logs on just one back-end node.  So in doing this, I managed to rather quickly figure out that if I told HAProxy to use one back-end node, things worked fine. When I told HAProxy to use two or more back-end nodes, things didn't work.  

So that's where it all started.

The Problem
Below is a picture of what we are doing with HAProxy, and based on the picture below, web access comes in on the northbound side of the picture, and web access is not the problem we are having.  The problem, is that VMs that are deployed onto various internal networks by Morpheus "phone home" and they phone home on a different network interface. 

This works fine with a single back-end enabled. But if you enable more than one back-end in HAProxy, Morpheus fails to fully transition the state of the VM to "running".

HAProxy Flow

In testing this out a bit and dumping traffic, we initially noticed something interesting. The Source IP coming into each Morpheus node, was not the HAProxy VIP - it was the interface IP address. We wound up solving this, by telling KeepAliveD to delete and re-create the routes with the VIP to be used as the Source IP - but only when it had control of the VIP. But in the end, while this made traffic analysis (tcpdump on the Morpheus nodes) a bit more clear about the traffic flow, it did not solve the actual issue.

I STILL don't know why it works with one back-end, and not two or more. I have had Proxy experts in our organization come in and look, and they seem to think HAProxy is doing its job properly, and that the issue is on the back-end clustering. The vendor, however, is telling us the issue is with HAProxy.

Our next step may be to configure a different load balancer. That should definitely rule things out. I know Squid Proxy is quite popular, but these tools do have a Learning Curve, and I have zero zilch experience with Squid Proxy. I think we may use a Netscaler Load Balancer if we wind up going with another one.

I should mention that the HAProxy configuration is not the simplest. And as a result of configuring this, I have increased my general knowledge on Load Balancing.

Monday, October 4, 2021

The first Accelerated VNF on our NFV platform

 I haven't posted anything since April but that isn't because I haven't been busy.

We have our new NFV Platform up and running, and it is NOT on OpenStack. It is NOT on VMWare VIO. It also, is NOT on VMWare Telco Cloud!

We are using ESXi, vCenter, NSX-T for the SD-WAN, and Morpheus as a Cloud Management solution. Morpheus has a lot of different integrations, and a great user interface that gives tenants a place to log in and call home and self-manage their resources.

The diagram below depicts what this looks like from a Reference Architecture perspective.

The OSS, which is not covered in the diagram, is a combination of Zabbix and VROPS, both working in tandem to ensure that the clustered hosts and management functions are behaving properly.

The platform is optimized with E-NVDS, which is also referred to commonly as Enhanced Datapath which requires special DPDK drivers to be loaded on the ESXi hosts, for starters, as well as some configuration in the hypervisors. There are also settings to be made in the hypervisors to ensure that the E-NVDS is configured properly (separate upcoming post).

Now that the platform is up and running, it is time to start discussing workload types. There are a number of Workload Categories that I tend to use:

  1. Enterprise Workloads - Enterprise Applications, 3-Tier Architectures, etc.
  2. Telecommunications Workloads
    • Control Plane Workloads
    • Data Plane Workloads

Control Plane workloads are have more tolerances for latency and system resources than Data Plane Workloads do. 

Why? Because Control Plane workloads are typically TCP-based,  frequently use APIs (RESTful),  and tend to be more periodic in their behavior (periodic updates).  Most of the time, when you see issues related to Control Plane, it is related to back-hauling a lot of measurements and statistics (Telemetry Data). But generally speaking, this data in of itself does not have stringent requirements.

From a VM perspective, there are a few key things you need to do to ensure your VNF behaves as a true VNF and not as a standard workload VM. These include:

  • setting Latency Sensitivity to High, which turns off interrupts and ensures that poll mode drivers are used.
  • Enable Huge Pages on the VM by going into VM Advanced Settings and adding the parameter: sched.mem.lpage.enable1GHugePage = TRUE

Note: Another setting worth checking, although we did not actually set this parameter ourselves, is: = TRUE

Note: Another setting, sched.mem.maxmemctl ensures that ballooing is turned off. We do NOT have this setting, but it was mentioned to us, and we are researching this setting.

One issue we seemed to continually run into, was a vCenter alert called Virtual Machine Memory Usage, displaying in vCenter as a red banner with "Acknowledge and Reset to Green" links. The VM was in fact running, but vCenter seemed to have issues with it. The latest change we made that seems to have fixed this error, was to check the "Reserve all guest memory (All locked)" option checkbox.

This checkbox to Reserve all guest memory seemed intimidating at first, because the concern was that the VM could reserve all memory on the host. That is NOT what this setting does!!! What it does, is allow the VM to reserve all of its memory up-front - but just the VM memory that is specified (i.e. 24G). If the VM has has HugePages enabled, it makes sense that one would want the entire allotment of VM memory to  memory to be reserved up front and be contiguous. When we enabled this, our vCenter alerts disappeared.

Lastly, we decided to change DRS to Manual in VM Overrides. To find this setting amongst the huge number of settings hidden in vCenter, you go to the Cluster (not the Host, not the VM, not the Datacenter) and the option for VM Overrides is there, and you have four options:

  • None
  • Manual
  • Partial
  • Full

The thinking here, is that VMs with complex settings may not play well with vMotion. I will be doing more research on DRS for VNFs before considering setting this (back) to Partial or Full.

Pinephone Pro (with Tow-Boot) - Installing a new OS on the eMMC

In my previous Pinephone Pro, I was describing how I was coming up to speed on the different storage mechanisms on the Pinephone Pro: SPI vs...