Thursday, March 5, 2020

Mounting a Linux Volume over a File System - the bind mount trick

Logged into a VM today trying to help troubleshoot issues. There was nothing in /var/log! No Syslog!

Turns out that this phenomenon had occurred, where Linux will indeed let you mount on top of pretty much any directory, because after all, a directory is just a mount point as far as Linux is concerned.

But what happens to the files in original directory? I used to think they were lost. They're not. They're there, but shielded. They can be recovered, with a neat trick called a bind mount!

All described here! Learn something new every day.

A snippet of dialog from the link below:

Q. Right now /tmp has some temporary files in it. When I mount my hard drive (/dev/sdc1) on top of /tmp, I can see the files on the hard drive. What happens to the actual content of /tmp when my hard drive is mounted? 

 A. Pretty much nothing. They're just hidden from view, not reachable via normal filesystem traversal.

Q. Is it possible to perform r/w operations on the actual content of /tmp while the hard drive is mounted?

A. Yes. Processes that had open file handles inside your "original" /tmp will continue to be able to use them. You can also make the "reappear" somewhere else by bind-mounting / elsewhere.

# mount -o bind / /somewhere/else
# ls /somewhere/else/tmp  


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