This post is where the fun really started.
I failed to mention, probably, in any of my earlier posts, that I was using CentOS7 as my operating system. Why? Because I am more familiar with the Red Hat Linux than I am with Ubuntu. Going forward, it will be difficult to ride multiple horses with Linux, because RHEL and Ubuntu (especially in 18.04) are deviating quite a bit on System Administration and Tools.
So - when you go to the website, all of the instructions are written in such a way that they assume that you will download and compile the packages. This sounded scary to me. I mean, not really, because I have compiled packages in the past, but I know that when you compile packages from scratch, you typically don't get conveniences like SystemD unit files to set up the service for easy start/stop/restart. We are in 2020 now. Why can't I just use yum and install the damned package?
As it turns out, on CentOS7, there are yum repositories for DPDK. And, when you run "yum install dpdk", you can get a package that is labeled 18.11.2 as the release. After installing this package, I quickly figured out that there are no scripts, tools or utilities. So, having some general experience with CentOS 7 and its package convention, I looked for the complement packages "devel and tools", and indeed, located those and installed them with "yum install dpdk-tools" and "yum install dpdk-devel".
NOTE: I only really needed the dpdk-tools, as I was not doing any dataplane kit development at this point.
But, things were going smooth so far. Knowing that VFIO is the new driver, I decided to go ahead and load the kernel module for VFIO.
Now, as I was looking over a couple of guys' scripts for doing this (both of them were using DPDK documentation as a basis), I saw that one fellow was installing two packages. Since we were dealing with PCI (more on this later), and Kernel Modules, it made sense to install these:
- pci_utils
- kernel-devel
- driverctl - which was a utility I had not heard of and had to install (e.g. yum install driverctl)
- a DPDK utility script, written in Python, called