Monday, May 11, 2020

DPDK Hands-On - Part IV - Setting Up the DPDK Package

This post is where the fun really started.

I failed to mention, probably, in any of my earlier posts, that I was using CentOS7 as my operating system. Why? Because I am more familiar with the Red Hat Linux than I am with Ubuntu. Going forward, it will be difficult to ride multiple horses with Linux, because RHEL and Ubuntu (especially in 18.04) are deviating quite a bit on System Administration and Tools.

So - when you go to the website, all of the instructions are written in such a way that they assume that you will download and compile the packages. This sounded scary to me. I mean, not really, because I have compiled packages in the past, but I know that when you compile packages from scratch, you typically don't get conveniences like SystemD unit files to set up the service for easy start/stop/restart.  We are in 2020 now. Why can't I just use yum and install the damned package?

As it turns out, on CentOS7, there are yum repositories for DPDK. And, when you run "yum install dpdk", you can get a package that is labeled 18.11.2 as the release. After installing this package, I quickly figured out that there are no scripts, tools or utilities. So, having some general experience with CentOS 7 and its package convention, I looked for the complement packages "devel and tools", and indeed, located those and installed them with "yum install dpdk-tools" and "yum install dpdk-devel".

NOTE: I only really needed the dpdk-tools, as I was not doing any dataplane kit development at this point.

But, things were going smooth so far. Knowing that VFIO is the new driver, I decided to go ahead and load the kernel module for VFIO.

Now, as I was looking over a couple of guys' scripts for doing this (both of them were using DPDK documentation as a basis), I saw that one fellow was installing two packages. Since we were dealing with PCI (more on this later), and Kernel Modules, it made sense to install these:
  1. pci_utils
  2. kernel-devel
After all, these are just tools and utilities and there should be no risk in installing these on your system.

Next, in his script, I saw him changing permissions on a file in /dev - and this really had me concerned. Why would someone be doing this? Is this a bug that he is fixing? 

Turns out, these are instructions on the website, which I found later after looking at his script.

#chmod a+x /dev/vfio
#chmod 0666 /dev/vfio/*

So basically, what this guy was doing, was pretty much following the standard "cookbook" for binding VFIO drivers. The VFIO drivers, as mentioned in Part II, are poll mode drivers that are installed on your system when you install DPDK.

The link for binding NICs can be found at:

This documentation gives you two methods for binding your NICs.
  1. driverctl - which was a utility I had not heard of and had to install (e.g. yum install driverctl)
  2. a DPDK utility script, written in Python, called
The script I was following as a reference was using #1, driverctl, and I figured I would use that instead of the utility script.

NOTE: Later, I decided to start using the utility script and found it to be wonderful

But first - before you bind your NIC, you need to load a kernel module.

I am familiar with kernel modules, so to load the module, you can use modprobe (or insmod, but modprobe is preferred). Again, this is via the DPDK website above on binding NICs.

If all goes well loading the vfio_pci kernel module, this module will in fact load 2 more kernel modules, and what I wound up with when I did "lsmod | grep vfio" was this:

# lsmod | grep vfio
vfio_pci               41412  2
vfio_iommu_type1       22440  1
vfio                   32657  6 vfio_iommu_type1,vfio_pci
irqbypass              13503  8 kvm,vfio_pci

So - there is that irqbypass - to disable interrupt processing. And, there is an IOMMU module that gets loaded, probably the result of having IOMMU enabled on the kernel command line!

It looks like the DPDK is loaded nicely. Now, it is time to load the drivers.

Let's talk about that in a Part V.

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