Friday, October 28, 2022

Moving a LVM file system to a new disk in Linux

I had to dive back into Linux disk partitioning, file systems, and volumes when I got an alert from Zabbix that a cluster of 3 VMs were running out of space. As the alert from Zabbix said disk space was greater than 88 percent, I grew concerned and took a look.

In the labs, we had 3 x CentOS7 Virtual Machines, each deployed with a 200G VMDK file.  But inside the VM, in the Linux OS, there were logical volumes (centos-root, centos-swap, centos-home) that were mounted as XFS file systems on a 30G partition. There was no separate volume for /var (centos-var). And /var was the main culprit of the disk space usage. 

The decision was made to put /var on a separate disk as a good practice, because the var file system was used to store large virtual machine images.

The following steps were taken to move the /var file system to the new disk:

1. Add new Disk in vCenter to VM - create new VMDK file (100G in this particular case)

2. If the disk is seen, a /dev/sdb will be present in the Linux OS of the virtual machine. We need to create a partition on it (/dev/sdb1).
# fdisk /dev/sdb

n is the option to create a new partition, then p for selecting primary, then a bunch of useless question for this case, like the partition number, first and last cylinder, just use the default options.
This will create a Linux primary partition, you will need to use the command t in order to change the partition type to 8e (Linux LVM).
Then w will write everything to the disk and exit from fdisk.
# fdisk -l /dev/sdb

Will return something like this:

Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1 2048 20971519 20969472 10G 8e Linux LVM

3. Add device to physical volume (this creates a partition)
# pvcreate /dev/sdb1

NOTE: to delete a device from a physical volume, use vgreduce first, then pvremove!
vgreduce centos /dev/sdb1
pvremove /dev/sdb1

4. display volume group
# vgdisplay

--- Volume group ---
VG Name centos
[... more detail …]

5. display physical volumes in volume group
pvdisplay -C --separator '  |  ' -o pv_name,vg_name

6. Extend the volume group so it can contain the new disk (partition)

# vgextend centos /dev/sdb1

You will get info like this:
VG Size 29.75 GiB
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 7617
Alloc PE / Size 5058/ 19.75 GiB
Free PE / Size 2559 / 10 Gib

7. Create new logical volume

NOTE: this command can be tricky. You either need to know extents, and semantics, or you can keep is simple. Such as:
# lvcreate -n var -l 100%FREE centos

8. Create file system - NOTE that XFS is the preferred type, not ext4!
# mkfs -t xfs /dev/centos/var

9. Mount the new target var directory as newvar
# mkdir /mnt/newvar
# mount /dev/centos/var /mnt/newvar

10. Copy the files

NOTE: Lots of issues can occur during this, depending on what directory you are copying (i.e. var is notorious because of run and lock dirs).

I found this command to work:
# cp -apxv /var/* /mnt/newvar

Another one people seem to like, is the rsync command, but this one below I attempted hung:
# rsync -avHPSAX /var/ /mnt/newvar/

11. You can do a diff, or try to, to see how sane the copy went:
# diff -r /var /mnt/newvar/

12. Update fstab for reboot
/dev/mapper/centos-var /var xfs defaults 0 0

Note that we used the logical volume centos-var here, not centos (the volume group). LVM calls the volumes centos-swap, centos-home, etc.

13. Move the old /var on old root file system
# mv /var /varprev

14.Rename current var, create a new folder and remount
# mkdir /var
# mount /var

15. Use the df command to bring all the mounts
# df -h | grep /dev/

16. Decide whether you want to remove the old var file system and reclaim that disk space.

NOTE: Do not do this until you’re damned sure the new one is working fine. I recommend rebooting the system, inspecting all services that need to be running, etc.  

Now, the only thing left to consider now, is that after we have moved /var to a new 100G VMDK disk, what do we do about the fact that we now have a 200G boot/swap/root disk that is only using a small fraction of 200G in space now? Well, shrinking disks is even MORE daunting, and is not the topic of this post. But, if I decide to reclaim some space, expect another post that documents how I tackled that effort (or attempted to). 

For now, no more alerts about running out of space on a root file system is good news, and this VM can now run peacefully for quite a while.

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