Monday, February 27, 2023

Hyperthreading vs Non-Hyperthreading on an ESXi Hypervisor

We started to notice that several VNF (Virtual Network Function) vendors were recommending to turn off (disable) Hyper-threading on hypervisors.  But why? They claimed it helped their performance. 

Throwing a switch and disabling this, means that the number of cores that are exposed to users, is cut in half. So a 24 core CPU, has 48 cores if Hyper-threading is enabled, and only has 24 cores if it is disabled. 

This post isn't meant to go into the depths of Hyper-threading itself. The question we had, was whether disabling it or enabling it, affected performance, and to what degree.

We ran a benchmark that was comprised of three "layers". 

  • Non-Hyperthreaded (24 cores) vs Hyperthreaded (48 cores)
  • Increasing vCPU of the Benchmark VM (increments of eight: 1,8,16,24)
  • Each test ran several Sysbench tests with increasing threads (1,2,4,8,16,32) 

The servers we are running on, include:  Cisco M5 (512G RAM, 24 vCPU)

We collected the results in Excel, and ran a Pivot Char graph on it, and this is what we found (below).

VM with 1,8,16,24 vCPU running Sysbench with increasing threads
on a Hyperthread-disabled system (24) vs Hyperthread-enabled system (48)

It appears to me, that Hyperthreading starts to look promising when two things happen:

  1. vCPU resources on the VM increase past a threshold of about 8 vCPU.
  2. an application is multi-threaded, and is launching 16 or more threads.

Notice that on an 8 vCPU virtual machine, the "magic number" is 8 threads. On a 16 vCPU virtual machine, you do not see hyperthreading become an advantage until 16 threads are launched. On a 24 vCPU system, we start to see hyperthreading become favorable at about 16 threads and higher.

BUT - if the threads are low, between 1 and about 8, the hyperthreading works against you.

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