Thursday, November 16, 2023

Artificial Intelligence Book 1 - Crash Course in AI - Chapter 13 - Memory Patch

Okay, last chapter in the book!

In this chapter, you get to "create" (actually, "create" means download and run) some Github hosted code that allows you to train a model to learn how to play the video game "Snake".

Snake is an early video game, probably from the 1970s or 1980s. I don't know the details of it but I am sure there is plenty of history on it. I think you could run it on those Radio Shack Tandem TRS80 computers that had 640K of RAM on them and saved to a magnetic cassette tape (I remember you could play Pong, and I think Snake was one of them also).

The idea was that each time the snake ate an apple (red square) the snake's length would increase (by one square). You could move up, down, left, right constrained by coordinate boundaries, and if the snake overlapped with itself, it died and the game ended.

Snake Video Game

When I first ran the model training for this, it ran for more than a day - perhaps all weekend, and then died. The command prompt, when I returned to check on progress, had a [ Killed ] message.

I had other models in this book die this way, and decided that I was running out of memory, and my solution to the other models was to edit the source code, and decrease the number of Epochs, and reduce the loop complexity. This made the models a LOT less efficient and reliable, but I still saw beneficial results from running them with this tactic.

In this case, for some reason, I went to Github and looked at the Issues, and I saw a guy complaining about a Memory Leak in the Tensorflow libraries. There was a patch to fix this!

Below is a Unix/Linux "diff" command, which shows this patch:

% diff
< import tensorflow as tf
< import gc
< import os
< import keras
<             #qvalues = model.predict(currentState)[0]
<             qvalues = model.predict(tf.convert_to_tensor(currentState))[0]
<             gc.collect()
<             keras.backend.clear_session()
>             qvalues = model.predict(currentState)[0]

So in summary, the patches are:

  • The original statement qvalues = model.predict(currentState)[0] is replaced by: 
    • qvalues = model.predict(tf.convert_to_tensor(currentState))[0]
  • There is also a garbage collect statement: gc.collect() that is added for the patch. 
  • A Keras library call "clear_session()" has been added

Of course some imports are necessary to reference and use these new calls. 

This fixes the memory problem. It does not appear that the training will ever end on its own when ou run this code. You have to Ctl-C it to get it to stop, because it just trains and trains, looking for a better score and more apples. I had to learn this the hard way after running for a full weekend.

So this wraps up the book for me. I may do some review on it, and will likely move on to some new code samples and other books.

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