Monday, February 22, 2016

The sysctl interface for system tuning on Linux

I looked into sysctl mainly because of the fact that the TuneD package (used to tune systems dynamically with specific pre-created system profiles) relies on sysctl parameters.

I found a useful article on sysctl in Linux Journal, which I will post here.,0

In summary, the /proc folder in Linux is essentially the 'portal' to the kernel parameters. While some are locked down and cannot be tinkered with, others (in /proc/sys) are available for configuration.

This is not for the novices. Understanding the parameters themselves is a daunting task; something that only kernel developers used to understand by being thoroughly familiar with the kernel source code. Playing and tinkering with the parameters can absolutely cripple a system if you don't know what you're doing.

But - it is good to understand the architecture and facilities within Linux. And understanding sysctl; what it is, why it is there and what it is used for - is certainly something important if you're going even remotely consider calling yourself a Linux geek.

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