Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Examining My Blog Analytics

This Blog - I never really "truly" cared about who saw it. I think the blog has served more as a personal diary for me than a blog that I wrote for purposes of harvesting subscribers and attention.

I have a friend who is creating a "business" (I will withhold my comments about things like Business Model). Maybe it's a hobby he thinks is a business. At any rate,  he was asking me questions as he was creating his website, and this did make me realize that I know little to nothing about crawlers, indexing, search engines, and how to maximize search engine results. I surprised myself with this realization. 

I mean, I have a working knowledge and understanding about things like Cookies, Meta Tags, and stuff like this. But it isn't something I am fluent with.

This blog gets a few peeks here and there, and a few have made some comments that I have helped them with certain issues they were looking for answers for. But really, traffic on this blog is drop in the ocean - and a small drop at that.

Today, I pulled up Analytics, and noticed that 2/3 of the pages on this blog were not indexed. There were about 3 reasons listed: 

  • Alternate Page with Proper Canonical Tag (WTF is this???)
  • Mobile Usability
  • No Sitemap

I made some changes to it:
    •    Added a SiteMap
    •    Changed the Theme to accommodate Mobile Pages
    •    Resubmitted the Blog for Indexing - including individual pages with the Canonical error

Now here is something quite interesting.
    •    I put a search string in DuckDuckGo, and up comes this blog lickety split - right at the top.
    •    Same search string in Bing.com and my blog came up lickety split - right at the top.

Note: The search string I used was "Techgrasper Blogspot"

But - when I put the same search string into Google, there was literally NO MENTION of my blog. At all. Zero. 

And this blog is hosted on a Google-owned platform!!! So what is going on there???

  • Is this blog on a blacklist or being censored?
  • Is this blog suppressed because I am not paying Google, or generating ads on it?
  • Some other reason Google is not showing the blog?
This sure does open the can of worms when it comes to the control of information flow, and who sees what. Clearly when different search engines show THIS LEVEL of inconsistency, we have some major major major major issues.

Ironically enough from a timing perspective, my whole desire to check my blog in search results is happening at the same time that Google is defending itself from a Sherman Act lawsuit.

Look - if this is a blog, called techgrasper, and there aren't many things out on the world wide web that have the words blog + techgrasper in them, shouldn't this blog SHOW UP???? On the prevailing dominant search engine???? Hosted on a blogging platform that THEY OWN????

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