Wednesday, November 16, 2016

VRRP Testing Note 2

In doing some extensive testing with VRRP with Keepalived, I was able to put it into Split Brain mode.

I have documented how I did this, and I will need to see if it is repeatable.

Here is one link that discusses troubleshooting for this, although I will need to find others.

UPDATE: Here is another.

In his case on this link, here is the solution.

The problem has been resolved.
The problem was from the switch setting. When multicast filter mode is filter-all, the problem happened. The Keepalived runs O.K. when multicast filter mode is forward-all.
In his specific case, unicast could be the answer.

I realize that I do not have that mcast src ip in my file (don't think that is needed but I can add it).

I could also try to use PASS instead of AH. So I can experiment with that as well.

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