Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Deploying Etherape on a non-Development system

Go to Etherape web site. Read package dependencies.

1. Download gtk+-2.24.31 sources

1a. Run "make configure"
- Install pango-devel
- Install atk-devel
- Install gdk-pixbuf2-devel

Re-ran "make configure" and passed dependencies, then ran "make" and "make install"

2. Downloaded libglade-2.6.4 sources

2a. Ran "make configure"

- Install libgnomeui-devel

3. Downloaded Etherape 9.1.4 sources

3a. Ran "make configure"

- Install libpcap-devel

- Install gnome-doc-utils

NOTE: I got some kind of error on a documentation package, but decided it was not critical to Etherape actually working.

3b. Ran "make" and then "make install"

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