Thursday, July 18, 2019

Q-In-Q Tunneling and VLAN Translation

I have been working on this Customer Premise Edge (CPE) project, in which a Service Orchestrator deploys Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) to a "piece of hardware". In the specific implementation I have been working with, the CPE runs a FastPath DataSwitch, and 3-4 Docker containers that in turn run:

  • OpenStack (Compute Node in one container, Controller Node in another)
  • VRFs
  • a FastPath Data Switch

The architecture looks, essentially, as shown below:

Two Customer Premise Edge Devices Connecting over a Secure Transport Overlay Network (SD-WAN)

This architecture relies on Layer 2 (Ethernet Frame) Forwarding. So what happens, essentially, is that when a virtual network is created, a "service" is generated at runtime, which connects two "interface ports" (can be L3, L2, et al). But because an interface is a physical (i.e. Operating System managed) device, traffic is run through a virtual concept called a "service port" as it comes off the wire. Depending on what kind of service it is, there are different topologies, and rulesets that can (and must) be configured and applied to make traffic handling and flows work properly.

I was not altogether very interested in this concept of "match sets" that were required to configure these services - initially. I just keyed in what I was told (which was an asterisk to allow all traffic).

But, finally, I became more interested in a deep-dive on these rules. I noticed that there was a rule to configure "inner VLAN" and "outer VLAN" settings. Huh? What does that mean? A VLAN is a VLAN, right? Well, sort of. Kind of. Not exactly.

As it turns out, in order to handle multi-tenant traffic (a service provider managing multiple customers), VLANs can overlap. And you cannot have Customer A's traffic going to Customer B, or you will find yourself out of business pretty quickly (possibly with a liability lawsuit).

So - they came up with concepts like Q-in-Q Tunneling and VLAN Translation to deal with these problems. Now, you can have a Customer VLAN (C-VLAN), and a Service Provider VLAN (S-VLAN), and you can map and manage the packets based on S-VLANS without manipulating and or disturbing the original customer VLAN that is set on the frame.

So NOW - I understand why these match set rules have fields for an "inner" and an "outer" VLAN. 

Just to be thorough, the outer VLAN, by the way, is the S-VLAN (therefore the inner VLAN is the C-VLAN).

Credit for this explanation and understanding goes to this link (although there are probably numerous sources for this concept available on the world wide web):

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