Thursday, July 25, 2019

RUST Programming Language - Part II

I spent a few hours with RUST again yesterday.

There's definitely some things to learn with this language.

One thing I noticed, was that the Compiler is really good. Very very intelligent. It can make a lot of intelligent inferences about what you are doing (or trying to do). It will also bark out all kinds of warnings about things.

In my previous post, I may have made light mention of something called Cargo. Cargo is a "Configuration Management" facility for RUST programmers. It can build (cargo build), check (cargo check), or build AND execute (cargo run) your program.

It also manages packages, and dependencies. So I think it probably is somewhat synonymous with pip in Python. If you are familiar with yum or some equivalent package manager on a Linux distribution, you can get the gist of what Cargo does from the perspective of pulling in packages you need for your project.

This link is a book on Cargo:  The Cargo Book

So yesterday, I wrote some code from the book I have been using, but deviated the code a little bit, and pulled in a package called strum, which allows you to iterate over an "Enum" object. My Enum object has Coins and Coin values (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) and I would use strum to iterator over this and print out the monetary value of each coin. Nothing super sophisticated, but in this RUST language, you definitely need to learn how to do the basics first.

Match Expression
Another interesting thing is that you can use simple "if / then" logic, but you can also use this more sophisticated "match" expression, or construct. So this is the "higher IQ" way to do matching, for the more advanced or off the beaten path cases (i.e. regular expression searches, etc).

Here is a link on that, which is actually a relative link to a more comprehensive book on RUST that has a lot more good stuff in it than just the Match expression.

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