Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Vector Packet Processing - Part II - Installing VPP

As a wrap-up to my day, I decided to take one of my CentOS7 servers, and install vpp on it.

I followed the cookbook found at this link:

This link doesn't tell you how to set up the vpp repository, which is necessary to install any of the vpp packages (a yum groupinstall would have been nice for this, actually).

But the link for the repository is here:

For convenience I included the snippet below.
$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fdio-release.repo
name=fd.io release branch latest merge
This didn't take long to do at all. No problem installing packages, no problem starting up the vpp service.
But, it looks to me like old hardware and old network cards don't support vpp. So more work to do.
Unsupported PCI Device Errors on vpp service startup

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