Thursday, November 23, 2017

OpenBaton Fault Management and AutoScaling

It has been a while since I have taken any notes or blogged anything. That doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything, though. 😎

Over the last month or so I have been testing some of the more advanced features of OpenBaton.
- Fault Management
- Auto Scaling
- Network Slicing

These have taken time to test. I was informed by the development team that the "release" code was not suitable for the kind of rigorous testing I planned to do, and that I needed to use the development branch.

This led me down a road of having to familiarize myself with the "git" software management utility. I know git has been around for a while and silently crept in as almost a de-facto standard for code repository and source management. In many shops it has replaced the classic stalwart Clearcase, CVS, SVN and other software that has actually been in use for decades. Even in my own company's shop, they brought in a "git guy", and of course since that is the recipe he cooks, we now use that. But up to this point, I had not really had a need to do more than "git clone". Now - I am having to work with different branches, and as I said, this took some time. Git is fairly simple if you do simple things, but it is far more complex "under the hood" than it looks, especially if you are doing non-simple things with it. I could do a post just on git alone. I'm not an authority on it, but have picked up a few things - including opinions - on it (some favorable, some not).

The first thing I tested was Fault Management (FM). Fault Management is essentially the ability to identify faults and trigger actions around those faults. The actions can be an attempt to heal - or it can be an attempt to Scale, or it can be an attempt to fail-over based on a configured redundancy mechanism. The ETSI standard descriptors allow you to specify all of this.  The interesting thing about FM in a virtualized context is that it gets into the "philosophy" of whether it makes sense to spend effort healing something, as opposed to just killing it and re-instantiating it. This is called the "Cattle vs Pets" argument.  I think there ARE cases where you need to fix and heal VMs (Pets), but in most cases I think VMs can be treated as Cattle. When VMs are treated as Pets, the nodes are generally going to be important (i.e. they manage something important, as in a control plane or signaling plane element), and cannot just be taken down and re-instantiated due to load or function.

I then tested AutoScaling - or, using a better term, Elasticity. This allows a virtualized network to expand and contract based on real-time utilization. This feature took me a while to get working due to having to compile different modules of code from different moving-target git branches over and over until I could finally get some code that wanted to work, with slight modifications and patches. When I finally got this working, it was super cool to see this work. I could do a separate post on this feature alone. After I got it working I wound up helping some other guys in a German network integration company get the feature working.

Network Slicing has been more difficult to get to work. That is probably a separate post altogether, related and intertwined with QoS such topics.

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